
this page lists raiah's relationships, positive and negative, platonic and romantic, with other people in the ffxiv universe. this may or may not include other player characters.

y'shtola rhul

y'shtola is raiah's fiancee. they first met sometime around 1567, when raiah was working an odd job as a barmaid in the downing wench. y'shtola had arrived in eorzea a few months earlier, and was dispatched by louisoix to gather intel in limsa. being a sharlayan scholar, her mannerisms immediately singled her out, to the point at which people were making advances towards her in the bar. raiah (and baderon by extension) threatened to expel and beat the shit out of the troublemakers, and resolved herself to teach y'shtola enough common sense so that she wouldn't make a fool of herself in public anymore (besides, she did think that it was kinda funny and took pity on her. think of like a less bad version of alphinaud)

neither of them had ever dated anyone else, but they were around the same age (i think y'shtola might be one or two years older) and found that they could both easily confide in each other, probably due to both being miqo'te, which are relatively rare in limsa. therefore, at some point, they decided to start dating, but kept this a secret from most people until after the events of stormblood (yes i'm doing this to keep consistency with this side story), even to y'shtola's sister. y'shtola pretended that raiah was a roommate of hers when they both moved to mor dhona at the start of the 7th umbral era. the reason this worked for so long was because basically none of the two were ever in their home, y'shtola did her scion stuff and raiah would usually go on very lengthy jobs to different places, but even so, i think basically everyone who had to do with the both of them knew but didn't say anything

raiah very unspectacularly proposed to y'shtola one night when they were both in ala mhigo by circumstance, and from that point on, they decided to make their engagement and relationship public

during the months (in the source) in which shadowbringers 5.0-5.3 happened, raiah would usually visit krile and the scions as often as she was able to, to keep both krile, tataru and her fiancee company

the warrior of light

they have a cordial relationship. raiah isn't exactly fond of the warrior of light as a concept, but gets along just fine with the warrior of light as a person

thancred waters

raiah first met thancred during her early years in limsa. they shared a short, intense rivalry, being that they're from almost the same material background and had to do the same things in order to survive, but this quickly changed into a lifelong friendship. especially after the fallout of ARR 2.0, raiah would often "cheer" him up by challenging him to a drinking contest, which he has never won. they've continued to do this ever since

lyse hext

as y'shtola's self-declared bestie, even before the events of stormblood, she and raiah had quite a lot of interaction. lyse, oblivious as she is, did not at all grasp the true nature of y'shtola's relationship with raiah, though

raubahn aldynn

if you discount raiah's birthplace being in ilsabard, raubahn and raiah have a very similar course of life. despite that, the first time they met was when raiah was commissioned for a job to raid an illegal fishing settlement. ever since then, they've had a very tight friendship, they regularly meet for sparring matches

urianger aurugelt

urianger is the type of guy who waters raiahs flowers when shes away

alphinaud & alisaie levellieur

i think raiah and the twins know each other because they live in the same city and through y'shtola's work, but that's about it

sadu dotharl

when y'shtola disappeared in the wake of the events of 2.55, and raiah travelled to the azim steppe because she thought she was responsible for it and wanted to become stronger herself, she spent a couple of months in the dotharl encampment. there, she transformed the sword-based fighting style that she's grown up with into something that's more akin to a samurai's style. this is in large part thanks to sadu, who basically bullied her into not giving up halfway through, and also served as her sparring partner. they even participated in a nadaam together
